Click Read to load the configuration and all informations from the device connected to selected com port into the current workfile.

Shortcut keyboard command available pressing:


Before to start you must specify Settings > COM Port.

If the current project has been modified, you will be asked for confirmation before to proceed:.

If the current project has been modified, you will be asked for confirmation before to proceed:

You may cancel:

or confirm the operation:

If the device is not detected at selected com port you can cancel the operation to set new com parameters or start an automatic scan.

Device must be in MANUAL SHUTDOWN (display 0).
Automatic scan will verify for any device address on all available com ports.

a specific prompt is displayed when some parameters read from the device are outside the scope of EN298: check highlighted parameters in the CODE window.

Click Write to download all the parameters to connected device.
Shortcut keyboard command available pressing:


Only UNPROTECTED parameters will be transferred to device when the password is missing or wrong in Settings > Password.

Password to modify all parameters is disclosed on request.
You may continue or abort the operation:

You may cancel:

or confirm the operation:

A progress bar and detail of transferred parameter are shown.
At any time it's possible to stop the download:

A failure alert is shown If the device is not responding or an error occurs:

Check Settings > COM Port and verify linked device:
must be in MANUAL SHUTDOWN (display 0).

In case of read error the parameter(s) concerned will be highlighted with red background.